Novel Notary Public Services Inc.

Online Commissioner of Oaths for Taking Affidavits

An affidavit to be Commissioned by the Commissioner of Oaths for Taking Affidavits is regulated by the Commissioner for Taking Affidavits Act, R.S.O 1990 c.C.17.

If the Commissioner and the declarant individual are not in physical presence of each other, the Commissioner may administer the oath or declaration remotely as per regulation 431/20 of the Act, Administering Oath or Declaration Remotely.

Now the practice is that Remote Commissioning is being accepted in court documents and filing.

Before you start the Online Commissioner of Oaths process, you need to find out from the recipient organization whether an Online Commissioned document is an acceptable form of document.

What is Electronic Signature?

In the normal course of  Commissioning of documents, the individual signs a document in the physical presence of the  Commissioner of Oaths. Electronic signature refers to typing your name at the end of your email, digitized handwritten signature, or signature in electronic form on a particular document.

Steps to follow for Remote Commissioning of Documents

We will confirm the time of appointment and whether the document could be Commissioned remotely or not.

Which documents we do not Notarize/Commission?

As we stated earlier, it is the requirement of the recipient organization whether to accept online Commissioning, however, as per our office policy we do not notarize or commission the following documents:

You may call us to confirm if we Commission a specific document OR not.

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